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The village of Bakhta is located on the steep bank of the Yenisei River in the Turukhansk District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The distance from Bakhta to the regional center, the village of Turukhansk, is 490 km, to Krasnoyarsk along the Yenisei - 1400 km. You can get to the village along the Yenisei or by helicopter.

The first mention of Bakhta dates back to 1608. The village was settled by fugitive Russian serfs and Old Believers. In the 1950, the Barguzin sable was brought here from Baikal, which took root in these places. In the XX century, the hunters living in the village worked for the state: they hunted for furs, berries, and fish. In 2010, in the village of Bakhta, the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia Сhurch was built. In 2013, the Museum of taiga traditions - traditional crafts of Siberia was organized here.

Nowadays, the village has a secondary school, a kindergarten, a feldsher-midwife station, a club, a library, a weather station, a bakery, a post office, and a helipad. The population here is about 300 people. The main activities are still hunting, fishing, picking berries and mushrooms. The heroes of the famous documentary film "Happy People" live here.

You will have a chance to get acquainted with locals and learn about their unique and old-fashioned way of life. Try fish soup ashore and visit the Museum of taiga traditions. You will be pleasantly surprised!

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