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Yenisey Expedition


Expedition cruise along Yenisey is a journey to the very heart of Russia through the endless expanses of taiga and nature reserves, protected by UNESCO, settlements of pioneers of the indigenous peoples of the Far North, abandoned construction sites of the Gulag and bases of polar scientists overcoming 1989 kilometers along the great river.

Expedition cruise along Yenisey is a helicopter ride over the mysterious Putorana Plateau and descent into the permafrost.

Expedition cruise along Yenisey is a chance to get in touch with the culture of ancient peoples and taste Siberia, having savored pike or burbot caught on one’s own during a fishing trip.

Expedition cruise along Yenisey is an exclusive combination of exploration experience, the opportunity to visit sparsely populated areas off the beaten path, wildlife and comfortable accommodation with point-to-point travel on a comfortable vessel with 5* level service.

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Please leave your phone number and one of our team will call you back as soon as we can. Please note our opening hours are Monday to Friday 10am - 7pm (Moscow Time).
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